Emi Ishita, Sue Yeon Syn, Hao-Ren Ke, Chei Sian Lee, and Kazunari Sugiyama:
``Special issue on selected papers from ICADL 2021,''
International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL), Springer, Vol. 25, Issue 1, pp. 1-2, March, 2024. [``Editorial'']
Hao-Ren Ke, Chei Sian Lee, Kazunari Sugiyama (Eds.):
``Towards Open and Trustworthy Digital Societies,''
23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2021, Virtual Event, December 1-3, 2021,
Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol.13133, Springer 2021. [``Front Matter'']
Yi Yu, Kazunari Sugiyama, and Adam Jatowt:
``Domain Counterfactual Data Augmentation for Explainable Recommendation,''
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), Vol. 43, Issue 3, pp. 58:1-58:30, 2025. [pdf]
Yosuke Saito and Kazunari Sugiyama:
``Leveraging Multiple Behaviors and Explicit Preferences for Job Recommendation,''
Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), Elsevier, Vol. 258, 125149:1-125149:15, 2024. [pdf]
Taishi Hosokawa, Adam Jatowt, and Kazunari Sugiyama:
``Temporal Validity Reassessment: Commonsense Reasoning about Information Obsoleteness,''
Discover Computing, Springer, Vol. 27, Issue 4, pp. 4:1-4:20, 2024. [pdf (open access)]
Yohei Seki, Kangkang Zhao, Masaki Oguni, and Kazunari Sugiyama:
``CNN-based Framework for Classifying Temporal Relation with Question Encoder,''
International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL), Springer, Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp.167-177, 2021.
Yiling Dai, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, and Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Prerequisite-Aware Course Ordering towards Getting Relevant Job Opportunities,'' Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), Elsevier, Vol. 183, 115233:1-115233:16, 2021. [pdf (open access)]
Van-Hoang Nguyen, Kazunari Sugiyama, Min-Yen Kan, and Kishaloy Halder: ``Neural Side Effect Discovery from User Credibility and Experience-Assessed Online Health Discussions,'' Journal of Biomedical Semantics, BioMed Central (BMC), Volume 11, Article number: 5, 2020.
[pdf (open access)]
Kazunari Sugiyama and Min-Yen Kan: ``A Comprehensive Evaluation of Scholarly Paper Recommendation Using Potential Citation Papers,'' International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL), Springer, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp.91-109, June 2015.
Kazunari Sugiyama, Kenji Hatano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa and Shunsuke Uemura: ``Improvement in TF-IDF Scheme for Web Pages based on the Contents of Their Hyperlinked Neighboring Pages,'' Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.36, No.14, pp.56-68, December 2005. [pdf]
Taishi Hosokawa, Adam Jatowt, and Kazunari Sugiyama:
``Temporal Natural Language Inference: Evidence-based Evaluation of Temporal Text Validity,''
The 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Vol.13980, pp. 441-458, Hybrid (Dublin, Ireland and Online), April 2-6, 2023.
Van Hoang Nguyen, Kazunari Sugiyama, Min-Yen Kan, and Kishaloy Halder:
``Treatment Side Effect Prediction from Online User-generated Content,''
The 9th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (LOUHI 2018),
co-located with the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2018), pp. 12-21,
Brussels, Belgium, Oct 31, 2018. [pdf]
Upasna Bhandari, Kazunari Sugiyama, Anindya Datta, and Rajni Jindal:
``Serendipitous Recommendation for Mobile Apps Using Item-Item Similarity Graph,''
The 9th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference (AIRS 2013),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Vol.8281, pp.440-451, Singapore, December 9-11, 2013.
(Nominated for ``the Best Poster and the Best Paper Award'')[AIRS 2013 awards]
Thuy Dung Nguyen, Min-Yen Kan, Dinh-Trung Dang, Markus Hänse,
Ching Hoi Andy Hong, Minh-Thang Luong, Jesse Prabawa Gozali,
Kazunari Sugiyama, and Yee Fan Tan:
``ForeCite: Towards a reader-centric scholarly digital library,''
The 10th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2010),
p.387, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, June 21-25, 2010. [pdf]
Kazunari Sugiyama and Manabu Okumura: ``Personal Name
Disambiguation in Web Search Results Based on a Semi-supervised
Clustering Approach,'' The 10th International Conference on Asian
Digital Libraries (ICADL 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Vol.4822, pp.250-256, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 10-13,
2007. [pdf]
Kazunari Sugiyama and Manabu Okumura: ``TITPI: Web People Search Task Using Semi-Supervised Clustering Approach,'' The 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007) co-located with the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2007), pp.318-321, Prague, Czech Republic, June 23-24, 2007. [pdf]
Kazunari Sugiyama, Kenji Hatano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, and Shunsuke Uemura:
``User-Oriented Adaptive Web Information
Retrieval based on Implicit Observations,'' The 6th Asia
Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
Springer-Verlag, Vol.3007, pp.636-643, Hangzhou, China, April 14-17, 2004.
Kazunari Sugiyama, Kenji Hatano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, and Shunsuke Uemura: ``Extracting Information on Protein-Protein Interactions from Biological Literature Based on Machine Learning Approaches'' (poster presentation), The 2nd NAIST Bio-COE International Symposium on Molecular Network in Cellular Signal Transduction and Environment Responses, Nara, Japan, January 19-20, 2004.
Kazunari Sugiyama, Kenji Hatano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, and Shunsuke Uemura: ``Extracting Information on Protein-Protein Interactions from Biological Literature Based on Machine Learning Approaches,'' The 14th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2003), Genome Informatics, Vol.14, pp.699-700, Universal Academy Press, Yokohama, Japan, December 14-17, 2003. [pdf]
Kazunari Sugiyama, Kenji Hatano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, and Shunsuke Uemura: ``Refinement of TF-IDF Schemes for Web Pages using their Hyperlinked Neighboring Pages,'' The 14th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT'03), pp.198-207, Nottingham, UK, August 26-30, 2003. [pdf]
(Nominated for ``Ted Nelson Newcomer Award'')
Kazunari Sugiyama, Kenji Hatano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, and Shunsuke Uemura: ``A Method of Improving Feature Vector for Web Pages Reflecting the Contents of their Out-Linked Pages,'' The 13th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2002), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Vol.2453, pp.891-901, Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2-6, 2002.
Koichi Yamada, Kazunari Sugiyama, Yasunori Yonamine, and Hiroshi Nakagawa: ``Identification of Coreference Between Names and Faces," The International Workshop on Coreference and Its Applications (CorefApp '99) co-located with the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '99), pp.17-24, Maryland, USA, June 22, 1999. [pdf]
Van-Hoang Nguyen, Kazunari Sugiyama,Preslav Nakov, and Min-Yen Kan: ``FANG: Leveraging Social Context for Fake News Detection using Graph Representation,'' Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 65, Issue 4, pages 124-132, April 2022.
[``Research Highlights'' article]
[Technical Perspective]
Atsushi Keyaki, Kazunari Sugiyama, Min-Yen Kan, and Jun Miyazaki: ``Preliminary Experiments on Semantic Tagged Information Retrieval, ''
第12回NLP若手の会シンポジウム (YANS 2017), 2017年9月.
Kazunari Sugiyama and Min-Yen Kan: ``Towards Higher Relevance and Serendipity in Scholarly Paper Recommendation'' with Martin Vesely as coordinator,
ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, Winter, Article No. 4, 2015. [pdf]
Duy Khang Ly, Kazunari Sugiyama, Ziheng Lin, and Min-Yen Kan:
``Product Review Summarization based on Facet Identification and Sentence Clustering,'' Technical Report TR30/11, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, October 7, 2011. [arXiv:1110.1428]
杉山一成: ``論文紹介 Z. Lin, C. Tian, Y. Hou, and W. X. Zhao:
"Improving Graph Collaborative Filtering with Neighborhood-enriched Contrastive Learning" (WWW 2022), ''
ACM SIGIR 東京支部IR Reading 2022春, オンライン, 2022年5月21日.
``論文紹介 Y. Yang, L. Wu, R. Hong, K. Zhang, and M. Wang:
"Enhanced Graph Learning for Collaborative Filtering via Mutual Information Maximization" (SIGIR 2021), ''
ACM SIGIR 東京支部IR Reading 2021秋, オンライン, 2021年10月30日.
``論文紹介 (1) J. Jin, J. Qin, Y. Fang, K. Du, W. Zhang, Y. Yu, Z. Zhang, and A. J. Smola:
"An Efficient Neighborhood-based Interaction Model for Recommendation on Heterogeneous Graph" (KDD 2020) and
(2) K. Zhou, H. Wang, W. X. Zhao, Y. Zhu, S. Wang, F. Zhang, Z. Wang, J.-R. Wen:
"S3-Rec: Self-Supervised Learning for Sequential Recommendation with Mutual Information Maximization" (CIKM 2020),''
ACM SIGIR 東京支部IR Reading 2021春, オンライン, 2021年4月24日.
``論文紹介 L. Wu, P. Sun. Y. Fu, R. Hong, X. Wang, and M. Wang: “A Neural Influence Diffusion Model for Social Recommendation” (SIGIR 2019),''
ACM SIGIR 東京支部IR Reading 2019秋, 兵庫県立大学 神戸情報科学キャンパス, 2019年10月27日.
杉山一成: ``シンガポール国立大学・Web Information Retrieval
and Natural Language Processing Group (WING) における電子図書館、情報検索、自然言語処理に関する研究''
東京工業大学 (2017年7月13日)
筑波大学 (2017年7月27日)
国立情報学研究所 (2017年8月23日*)
富士通研究所 (2017年8月24日)
京都大学 (2017年12月4日*)
*英語での講演: ``DL, IR, and NLP Research at Web Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing Group (WING) in National University of Singapore''
Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Serendipitous Recommendation: Especially for Scholarly Papers and Mobile Apps,'' Peking University, Beijing, China,
November 29, 2016. [pdf]
Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Toward Robust Recommendation Systems for Scholarly Papers and Mobile Apps''
Rakuten Institute of Technology, New York (May 7, 2014) [pdf]
Indiana University Bloomington (May 9, 2014) [pdf]
Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Disambiguation in Web Search Results and Japanese Corpus,''
CS seminar / CHIME Text Processing Seminar, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 13, 2009.
Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Review: A nonparametric term weighting method for information retrieval based on
measuring the divergence from independence Kocabas I., Dincer B., Kalaogran B. Information Retrieval 17(2): 153-176, 2014.''
ACM Computing Reviews, October 28, 2014.
Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Review: Reflowing and annotating scientific papers on ebook readers Marinai S. DocEng 2013 (Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Florence, Italy, Sep 10-13, 2013) 241-244, 2013.'' ACM Computing Reviews, October 7, 2013.
Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Review: Random walk based entity ranking on graph for multidimensional recommendation Lee S., Song S., Kahng M., Lee D., Lee S. RecSys 11 (Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Chicago, IL, Oct 23-27, 2011) 93-100, 2011.'' ACM Computing Reviews, April 17, 2012.
Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Review: On graph-based name disambiguation Fan X., Wang J., Pu X., Zhou L., Lv B. Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) 2(2): 1-23, 2011.'' ACM Computing Reviews, March 19, 2012.
Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Review: Modeling and analysis of cross-session search tasks Kotov A., Bennett P., White R., Dumais S., Teevan J. SIGIR 2011 (Proceedings of the 34th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Beijing, China, Jul 24-28, 2011) 5-14, 2011.'' ACM Computing Reviews, February 23, 2012.
Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Review: Digital weight watching: reconstruction of scanned documents Marx M., Gielissen T. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 14(2): 229-239, 2011.'' ACM Computing Reviews, July 25, 2011.
Kazunari Sugiyama: ``Research on Electronics and Information Technology in Singapore,''
IEICE Global Plaza -Monthly community plaza in English for students, faculties and engineers-,
The Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE),
Vol. 93, No. 8, August 2010.
杉山 一成: ``文献紹介 Ma, H., King, I., and Lyu, R. M.:
Effective missing data prediction for collaborative filtering,
Proc. 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research
and Development in Information Retrieval, pp.39-46 (2007),''
人工知能学会誌,Vol.23, No.2, pp.309-313, 2008年3月.